Core Values
Upper Room Fire Prayer holds the current Baptist Faith and Message as its doctrinal standard.
God Centered
The church today is in need of a re-centering on God and His priorities, and His glory. Thus our church will seek to bring glory to God by praising Him through worship and engaging in His mission through service.
Un-churched People
We are not seeking to be a church that simply gathers up Christians from churches. Rather it is our goal, desire and plan to actively engage the un-churched people in San Francisco Bay Area so they may hear the claims of the gospel and respond by grace through faith.
Global Missions
God has called His people to join Him on mission. Hence, we seek to be a missional church engaged in the purposes of God. Our mission will be evidenced as our people are engaged on mission in their daily lives. It will be expressed through our global missions emphasis where from the beginning we will adopt to reach an unreached people group globally. Also, our strategy will be to plant one church a year.
Jesus came in Luke 4:18-19 to serve the hurting and we believe as Christians we join Jesus on His mission manifested in His service to people who are hurting by serving in the community and around the world.
Relevant Worship
We are unapologetic God has called us to gather people together to worship Him. We recognize that we live in a unique place and time in history and our church services will reflect excellence, relevance –all around our God-centered passion.
Authentic Community
Christian life is best lived with others on a journey. Hence, we value and participate in small groups as a central function of our church. We are not a church with small groups, but a church of small groups.
Effective Discipleship
We believe in the central importance of disciple making because Jesus puts it central to the Great Commission. In the Great Commission, Jesus says to make disciples to all nations. We believe that will require an active and ongoing commitment to deeper spiritual maturity among our people – that includes knowledge and action in their everyday lives.
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