Discover how it is God’s desire to bring pardon and healing!
In this memorable study, Pastor Benny offers an insightful biblical foundation for divine healing. You will:
- Discover how it is God’s desire to bring pardon and healing
- Trace the impact of the Savior’s work on the cross which provides healing
- Understand how obedience to God’s Word brings supernatural power
- Learn the life-changing principles for claiming God’s gift of healing in your own life
- Gain knowledge for interceding for those who need the prayer of faith and agreement
15 Hours of Insightful Teaching!
This comprehensive, remarkable series is based on Pastor Benny’s own testimony, his personal study of God’s Word, and his firsthand knowledge gleaned from over thirty years of miracle-filled ministry. In each session, he shares scripture after scripture reflecting God’s will for all believers to live in an anointed atmosphere of healing and health.
Get ready to be inspired and enriched as you get to know Jesus Christ the Healer as you have never experienced Him before!
Course Summary :
Lesson 1: Divine Healing Through God’s Provision
The only way you can flow in the Spirit is by following the anointing. The Bible clearly says:
“So Then Faith Cometh By Hearing, And Hearing By The Word Of God” (Romans 10:17
You cannot flow in the healing anointing without faith, and you cannot live by faith if the Word of God is lacking in your life. And as God begins to reveal divine healing from His Word, He will teach you how to understand the move of the Spirit and He will lead you into a life of faith. In this lesson, you will learn how to be used to bring the message and provision of divine healing to others.
Lesson 2: Divine Healing Through God’s Redemptive Plan
Divine Healing Through God’s Redemptive Plan. If God forgives all, He will heal all:
“But That Ye May Know That The Son Of Man Hath Power On Earth To Forgive Sins, (Then Saith He To The Sick Of The Palsy,) Arise, Take Up Thy Bed, And Go Unto Thine House? (Matthew 9:6
You will learn that since Jesus Christ healed all then, He will heal all now:
“Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, And To Day, And For Ever” (Hebrews 13:8
Lesson 3: Divine Healing Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
There were types and shadows in the Old Testament concerning healing, but it was through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that divine healing comes. In session 3, you will see that the will of God concerning healing is seen in Christ Jesus. He is the will of God in action, since Jesus healed all and delivered all. Through Him, the cross brings deliverance from both sickness and disease, and when we come to the cross and identify with the death of Jesus, His life is made manifest in our mortal flesh.
Lesson 4: Roadblocks to Divine Healing
So many mental roadblocks stand in the way of healing. This is why so many in the body of Christ cannot receive healing. You must remember that sickness came from the fall of man. That fall brought about the sickness, which is the process of death. The Bible makes that very clear in Romans 5:12:
“Wherefore, As By One Man Sin Entered Into The World, And Death By Sin; And So Death Passed Upon All Men, For That All Have Sinned.”
In this lesson, Pastor Benny covers the first three roadblocks to divine healing.
Lesson 5: More Roadblocks to Divine Healing
Despite the mental roadblocks to divine healing, we can change. We can believe in God’s healing power. This transformation begins as God reveals your heart to you:
“The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things, And Desperately Wicked: Who Can Know It?” (Jeremiah 17:9
Isaiah changed when his flesh was revealed to him:
“Then Said I, Woe Is Me! For I Am Undone; Because I Am A Man Of Unclean Lips, And I Dwell In The Midst Of A People Of Unclean Lips: For Mine Eyes Have Seen The King, The LORD Of Hosts” (Isaiah 6:5
When God’s glory was revealed to Peter, being that uncovered before the Lord was a profound discovery:
“When Simon Peter Saw It, He Fell Down At Jesus’ Knees, Saying, ‘Depart From Me; For I Am A Sinful Man, O Lord’” (Luke 5:8
There was a revelation of self to these men. In session 5, you will discover more about yourself through this study of the final two roadblocks to divine healing.
Lesson 6: Seven Levels of Faith
The Bible is clear concerning the promise that our heavenly Father desires for us to grow and mature in faith:
“For Therein Is The Righteousness Of God Revealed From Faith To Faith: As It Is Written, He Just Shall Live By Faith” (Romans 1:17
As your faith continues to grow, it will build you and give you an inheritance, moving to higher and higher levels of faith. Moving through these seven levels of faith is not easy, but God has provided the way for each believer to grow and mature from faith to faith.
Lesson 7: Building Your Faith
As you move from “faith to faith” as we are commanded in Romans 1:17, and as you build your life on Jesus Christ, you will begin to see amazing miracles take place both in your life and ministry. Jesus has given every believer the authority to pray in His name:
“Verily, Verily, I Say Unto You, He That Believeth On Me, The Works That I Do Shall He Do Also; And Greater Works Than These Shall He Do; Because I Go Unto My Father. And Whatsoever Ye Shall Ask In My Name, That Will I Do, That The Father May Be Glorified In The Son” (John 14:12-13
Learn how the name of Jesus belongs to every Christian, and as your faith builds, you will learn to do greater works in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Lesson 8: Partakers of Divine Healing
The name of Jesus brings the nature, power, presence, glory, covenant, and supply of God. The name of Jesus Christ provides provision, healing, victory, holiness, peace, guidance, and righteousness. How does that make us partakers of divine healing today? Sickness was rare in the early church. We are told in James 5:14-15,
“Is Anyone Among You Sick? Let Him Call For The Elders Of The Church, And Let Them Pray Over Him, Anointing Him With Oil In The Name Of The Lord. And The Prayer Of Faith Will Save The Sick, And The Lord Will Raise Him Up. And If He Has Committed Sins, He Will Be Forgiven.”
Learn how to receive and minister as an agent of divine healing.
Lesson 9: Divine Compassion
The power of God is an absolute necessity in today’s world. We must live with power on high, as did the early church, and we must pay the price required to receive it. To do less will mean failure in this crucial hour. Here is the problem: Today, so many believers are comfortable Christians. There is not much fervency. The price of this neglect is serious. We cannot wait for things to happen. God is waiting for individuals who will take by force what belongs to them. His eyes are going to and fro looking for those who will say, “I’m ready, Lord.” In lesson 9, learn how to minister with divine compassion.
Lesson 10: How to Keep Your Healing
The Lord has guaranteed not only to heal you but also to keep you healed. In fact, healing is guaranteed just as much as forgiveness has been guaranteed:
“If We Confess Our Sins, He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins, And To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9
James 5:16 tells us:
“Confess Your Faults One To Another, And Pray One For Another, That Ye May Be Healed. The Effectual Fervent Prayer Of A Righteous Man Availeth Much.”
In this final session of this ten-part online course, you will learn how to understand what sickness is, what causes it, and what its results are. Best of all, you will discover how to help others live in divine healing!