Embrace the cross of Calvary. Discover the basics of spiritual warfare.
The Upperroom Fire Prayer has offered numerous Bible classes in the past, each foundational who are earnestly seeking to “study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). God desires spiritual growth and maturity for all believers. Being the “man in Christ” and having the “mind of Christ” can make all the difference in the world for you and those around you.
Join Pastor Benny for Over 15 Hours of Intense, In-Depth Study in This New Course!
Too many of God’s children are spiritual infants, and the great need today is to put away childish things in favor of learning how to become a radical believer. Find out how to achieve God’s will for your life. These 11 lessons will change your life and help you prepare to be a mighty soldier—a radical believer—in God’s great army!
Course Summary:
Lesson 1: Spiritual Growth
Lesson 1: Spiritual Growth
God desires for you to know Him, but too many believers have been stunted for a variety of reasons. Our Lord wants every born-again Christian to grow spiritually. Moses prayed,goes here, click edit button to change this text.
“Now Therefore, I Pray Thee, If I Have Found Grace In Thy Sight, Shew Me Now Thy Way, That I May Know Thee, That I May Find Grace In Thy Sight”
The phrase “that I may know thee” should be on the lips of believers continually, for knowing God intimately is the pathway to wisdom, discernment, blessing, and spiritual growth. In this powerful lesson, Pastor Benny Hinn explains the necessity of knowing God, the hindrances to growth, what God Almighty desires us to be, how our Lord Jesus wants us to walk, and the human impossibility, by ourselves, of being holy and righteous. Pastor Benny teaches,
People Throughout The Centuries Have Sought Knowledge And Spiritual Growth. It Continues Today. But God Desires To Give Us Wisdom, Discernment, And Blessings. These Only Come As A Result Of Knowing Our Lord God Almighty.”
Learn the life-changing keys of growing in grace as you know God intimately.
Lesson 2: The Man in Christ
Lesson 2: The Man in Christ
In this insightful lesson, Pastor Benny Hinn begins the first of a two-part teaching — “The Man in Christ” and “The Mind of Christ” — both focusing on God’s command to put away childish things, discarding “milk” for “meat of the Word” (1 Corinthians 3:2
; Hebrews 5:12
). Too many of God’s children are spiritual infants, and it is time to put away the childish things. Pastor Benny shares signs of spiritual immaturity and signs of spiritual maturity. He says,
“We Must Become Aware Of The Lateness And Urgency Of The Hour. The Lack Of Growth Is The Most Destructive Thing Than Can Happen To Believers. God’s Plan For All Believers Is For Spiritual Growth, And The End Result That He Desires For His Children Is Spiritual Maturity.”
Being the man in Christ is a great start!
Lesson 3: Mind of Christ
Lesson 3: Mind of Christ
Building on the teaching in lesson 2, Pastor Benny Hinn moves through a review of “The Man in Christ” lesson and leads into the “Mind of Christ.” This journey can make all the difference in the world for you and those around you. Get ready for life-changing principles, which include how to discover the urgent need for believers to grow and mature in faith, knowledge, and wisdom. See where you stand in terms of the marks of spiritual immaturity and maturity. Learn three incredible promises about spiritual sight, spiritual life, and spiritual union from John 14. Become all you can be in God’s victorious last-days army as you seek the mind of Christ.
Lesson 4: Taming the Tongue
Lesson 4:Taming the Tongue
True spiritual growth begins to cancel the flesh. One way to remember how to spell Christian is by saying, “Without Christ I am nothing.” That’s what being in Christ means—all that’s left is Christ. This involves clearing away all the trash and weeds in your life before you can become fertile ground for the Lord. It means renewing the spirit of your mind. It involves allowing the Word to penetrate your soul. Then something remarkable begins to happen. You receive the authority to say no to sin. You begin to tame your tongue. Even though the tongue is a small part of a person’s body, “behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature” (James 3:5-6
). The first revelation is to know that you cannot control your tongue:
“The Tongue Can No Man Tame; It Is An Unruly Evil, Full Of Deadly Poison”
Beyond that, you have the power of life and death in your tongue (Proverbs 18:21). So what is the answer to taming your tongue? Get ready for a revealing lesson on canceling the flesh in your life, including your tongue!
Lesson 5: Fear of the Lord
Lesson 5 : Fear of the Lord
As Many As Are Le0d By The Spirit Of God, They Are The Sons Of God” (Romans 8:14
), And “Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit, For Theirs Is The Kingdom Of Heaven” (Matthew 5:3
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. And there are many other ways God can guide us. If your heart and life are centered on God, His Word, and His Holy Spirit, you can rest assured that He will direct your path. The fear of the Lord—awe of His nature and presence—is a starting point. We know that “pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18), but to fear the Lord is to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13
). Discover for yourself the key to holy intimacy with Almighty God!
Lesson 6: Finding God’s Will for Your Life
Lesson 6:Finding God’s Will for Your Life
The Bible is filled with instances where God gave personal guidance. He instructed individuals to do this or not to do that. He gave revelations. And He still does all these things. He guides by means of specific scriptures that suddenly come alive for you. He guides by bringing people to you providentially to give you advice and counsel. He guides through circumstances. The Bible is our map for knowing God’s will. If we understand the Scriptures, we will be well on our way to having His guidance. In fact, He never guides His people contrary to the clear principles of His written Word. Guidance truly comes from a knowledge of God Himself. We must know what pleases Him and what displeases Him. There is no substitute for walking with God, sharing with Him, and talking to Him daily. That is the pathway for the radical believer.
Lesson 7: How to Resist the Devil
Lesson 7: How to Resist the Devil
We are promised, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Corinthians 10:4), yet none of us can triumph in our own strength. If you want to be a conqueror over the enemy of your soul, you must seek to follow our Lord’s battle plan. In this intense lesson, Pastor Benny Hinn shares how you can overcome obstacles in every area of life through standing on God’s promises, using the Word as your weapon, knowing your adversary, and learning how to win the war. Mighty power is available to us, for we are “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17
). His strength and authority are ours, but we must discover and claim them. Pastor Benny Hinn explains,
“Satan Has Been Defeated. Through The Blood Of Christ, ‘We Are More Than Conquerors Through Him Who Loved Us’ (Romans 8:37
God has a battle plan that includes you! Best of all, you can win the victory in every aspect of your life—your family and loved ones, your finances, your job, your future—everything that concerns you. I pray that during your study of this lesson, you will discover the victory that is yours!”
Lesson 8: Embrace the Cross
Lesson 8: Embrace the Cross
During these historic days of swift global change, internationally known evangelist Pastor Benny Hinn points to the need to focus on the life-changing significance of the cross, especially in a day when so many disdain the importance of that message. In this lesson, he teaches that the cross of Jesus Christ represents shame, weakness, and death. Then he reveals the four results of embracing the cross: the cross will break the dominion of sin from your life; the cross will bring you out of weakness; the cross will make you fruitful in the Lord; and the cross is the pathway to glory. Pastor Hinn teaches,
“If We Only See The Shame, Weakness, And Death Of The Cross, We Will Reject It. But Jesus Endured The Cross Because He Saw Beyond It. We Must Do The Same, Even As We Embrace What Christ Did For Us At Calvary. Follow The Cross And Find The Blood-Stained Trail To Victory In Every Area Of Your Life!”
Let this amazing lesson show you how you can leave a life of weakness and sin and be lifted by the cross to a fruitful, empowered life.
Lesson 9: Enjoying Spiritual Nourishment
Lesson 9: Enjoying Spiritual Nourishment
The life of the radical believer is a consistent journey toward spiritual maturity, but you cannot grow in the Lord unless you begin to enjoy the nourishment of the Word. One of the greatest and earliest examples is what God did for the children of Israel did after He delivered them from Egypt. God provided them with manna from heaven (Exodus 16). There were simple guidelines: they were to gather this nutritious food every day except the sixth day of the week, when they were to collect double to allow rest on the Sabbath. Jesus used that example to share an everlasting truth:
“Verily, Verily, I Say Unto You, Moses Gave You Not That Bread From Heaven; But My Father Giveth You The True Bread From Heaven…. I Am The Bread Of Life: He That Cometh To Me Shall Never Hunger; And He That Believeth On Me Shall Never Thirst” (John 6:32
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In this remarkable lesson, Pastor Benny Hinn shares proven strategies for enjoying spiritual nourishment from the Bread of Life!
Lesson 10: Maintaining Fullness
Lesson 10: Maintaining Fullness
Relating instances from his personal testimony, best-selling author Pastor Benny Hinn shares how his personal walk with God and his decades of ministry have depended upon maintaining a fresh fullness of the Holy Spirit in his life. He says,
“There Is A Terrible Cost If We Reach The Point That We Say To The Lord, ‘I’ve Done Enough, I’ve Sought You Enough, And I’m Not Willing To Pay The Price Any More.’ It Is A Sure Sign Of Coming Failure And Spiritual Shipwreck. We Must Constantly Seek Him And His Fullness. Without His Presence, We Become Mere Shells.”
In this memorable lesson, Pastor Benny uses the template of the wilderness Tabernacle to reveal steps you can take every day to maintain an ever-growing, ever-deepening intimacy with Almighty God.
Lesson 11: Pressing on Toward the Goal
Lesson 11: Pressing on Toward the Goal
Pastor Benny Hinn concludes this insightful course by pointing toward the children of Israel as they moved to possess the Promised Land. They faced challenges, including crossing the perilous Jordan River, but they were told,
“Behold, I Have Set The Land Before You: Go In And Possess The Land.… The LORD Your God Hath Multiplied You, And, Behold, Ye Are This Day As The Stars Of Heaven For Multitude” (Deuteronomy 1:8
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Then, they were given an unusual instruction:
“The LORD God Of Your Fathers Make You A Thousand Times So Many More As Ye Are, And Bless You, As He Hath Promised You!” (Verse 11).
Not only were they to possess the land, but they were also to prepare for multiplied blessings to come. The Enemy had plans for the children of Israel, but God’s plans were greater. So it is with believers today. Jesus promises,
“The Thief Cometh Not, But For To Steal, And To Kill, And To Destroy: I Am Come That They Might Have Life, And That They Might Have It More Abundantly” (John 10:10
We are also promised,