We Are The Elijah Generation!
The spirit of Elijah belongs to people of destiny. But we cannot discover God’s will and our destiny without living in the spirit. When we speak about the anointing of Elijah, we don’t mean that anointing was his. It was God’s anointing on Elijah. And when we say “the days of Elijah,” we don’t mean days of revival but days of darkness as God worked through that mighty prophet. But Elijah’s destiny was to ride to heaven on a chariot of fire! I pray that you, too, will discover your calling and destiny in a deeper way through this teaching.
7 Hours of Amazing Insight from Pastor Benny!
We are the Elijah generation! Beginning with a sweeping panorama of Israel’s history leading up to the time of Elijah, Pastor Benny Hinn recaps how the prophet appeared on the scene during one of the nation’s darkest days to declare famine on the land. Each of the prophet’s steps beginning at that point—including his visits to Cherith and Zarephath—are recounted on this remarkable teaching series:
- God Moves in Seasons
- The Life of Elijah
- The Road to Zarephath
- The Fire of Elijah
- The Dimensions of the Anointing
- The Third Dimension of the Anointing
- The Dominion Anointing
Do you believe you have an anointed destiny? Discover the many parallels between Elijah and believers today who are called by God to a mighty purpose.
Course Summary:
Lesson 1: God Moves In Seasons
The Bible says:
“To Every Thing There Is A Season, And A Time To Every Purpose Under The Heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1
Whenever God moves in a different season, there’s a fresh voice, there’s a fresh sound. Pastor Benny Hinn pointed to three distinctive seasons in people in the Bible, including Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, Paul, and more. Then, as now, there is a new anointing for each season. It’s important to understand the seasons of your life if you are to become a mature believer. Some people have more than three seasons, and the key is learning to discern those times in your life to be productive in the kingdom of God. With every new season comes change, as in the lives of Elijah and Elisha, as well as specific blessings, including a fresh mantle of anointing.
Lesson 2: The Life of Elijah
The anointing on the prophet Elijah’s life changed the destiny of an entire nation! His name which means “my God is the Lord” came from Tisbeh in Gilead. In 1 Kings 17 he first appears in the biblical record, and he challenges Ahab, the evil ruler of the darkest days of Israel’s Northern Kingdom from 874 to 853 BC. Elijah prophesied a famine upon the land as a consequence for the king’s sin and the perversion that ran rampant over the land, then he retreated to the dry brook of Cherith where he waited on God’s leading and was kept from starvation by being fed by ravens. Pastor Benny Hinn teaches:
“Obedience Determines Your Destiny. If You Want The Anointing Of The Spirit Of God, You Must Learn To Deal With The Seclusion And Isolation Of Dry Brooks. In Elijah’s Case, The Dry Brook Was The Key To His Spiritual Destiny And Harvest. It Prepared Him For The Next Move Of God In His Life. He Was Ready For The Road To Zarephath And The Challenges Ahead.”
Lesson 3: The Road to Zarephath
In the midst of the famine that followed the prophet’s warning to King Ahab, Elijah was led from the preparation time of isolation at the brook Cherith to a place named Zarephath, near the city of Sidon what was the capital of Baal worship. In Zarephath, a place of spiritual warfare on a very intense level, he was used to perform a powerful miracle to help a widow who faced starvation for herself and her son. She obeyed the word of the prophet, and as a result her offering of a small amount of flour and oil was turned into an unending supply. This miracle was eventually followed by the widow’s son falling ill and dying. When Elijah was used by God to raise young man from the death, word of God’s anointing on Elijah undoubtedly spread far and wide. This led to another major step in Elijah’s ministry as a mighty prophet.
Lesson 4: The Fire of Elijah
In the midst of the famine that followed the prophet’s warning to King Ahab, Elijah was led from the preparation time of isolation at the brook Cherith to a place named Zarephath, near the city of Sidon what was the capital of Baal worship. In Zarephath, a place of spiritual warfare on a very intense level, he was used to perform a powerful miracle to help a widow who faced starvation for herself and her son. She obeyed the word of the prophet, and as a result her offering of a small amount of flour and oil was turned into an unending supply. This miracle was eventually followed by the widow’s son falling ill and dying. When Elijah was used by God to raise young man from the death, word of God’s anointing on Elijah undoubtedly spread far and wide. This led to another major step in Elijah’s ministry as a mighty prophet.
Lesson 5: The Dimensions of the Anointing
The life of the prophet Elijah symbolizes the life of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, while the life of Elisha is symbolic of the life of the believer. The anointing that fell on Elisha belongs to the church today—the church that began on the Day of Pentecost—yet the anointing in its completeness and fullness is still to be seen. It will be a saturating, penetrating, overflowing anointing that will bring healing, peace, deliverance, and joy unlike anything previously seen in history. Pastor Benny Hinn continues in this lesson by sharing the three dimensions of this anointing—the anointing for salvation, the priestly anointing for ministry, and the kingly anointing for dominion. How do you receive this anointing? The lessons from the prophets Elijah and Elisha continue to help us understand how to move under the mantle and into powerful dimensions of God’s anointing.
Lesson 6: The Third Dimension of the Anointing
The spirit of Elijah is a miraculous anointing. It is the anointing for miracles that was transferred with the mantle to Elisha as a double-fold anointing. Reflecting on the teaching of the three dimensions of the anointing in Lesson 4, Pastor Benny moves deeper into the third dimension, the kingly anointing for dominion. He used Scriptures that included Joel 2:24, showing examples of people who walk in this dimension of the anointing.
“When You Move Into This Dimension,” He Shares, “The Anointing Is Going To Drip Off Your Life Everywhere You Go. Out Of Your Belly Shall Flow Rivers Of Living Waters. But You Cannot Be Trusted With This Dimension If You Are Not Faithful In Your Current Dimension And Walk. The Kingly Anointing Is An Everlasting And Permanent Anointing, And A Demand Is Placed Upon Your Life For You To Move To This Higher Plateau In The Spirit. This Third Anointing Is God’s Highest Will For Your Life!”
Lesson 7: The Dominion Anointing
We are entering a season of a powerful, fresh anointing. The mantle is being passed. It will bring the three dimensions of the anointing—the anointing for salvation, the priestly anointing for ministry, and the kingly anointing for dominion. As with Elijah and Elisha, this third dimension can bring about mighty miracles, even raising the dead back to life! God is preparing those who are chosen in this generation to witness the most amazing miracles. Do you believe you have an anointed destiny? Discover the many parallels between Elijah and Elisha to believers today who are called by God to a mighty and historic purpose!